The Pigeon Who Preferred His Cage

Why would a bird choose confinement over freedom? Click to know why.

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How Sanju was sentenced to death until hanging?

In a village near Jodhpur, where tractors have replaced traditional farming methods, a heartbreaking story unfolded. Sanju, a once proud and hardworking bull, became the unluckiest of all bulls.

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How a thirsty cow became an acid victim

In the scorching heat of Rajasthan, where the sun beats down mercilessly, even the hardiest of souls seek respite. But for one gentle cow, seeking a drink of water proved to be a journey of unimaginable pain and suffering.

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When a baby camel saw her mother leave him alone.

While a baby camel was learning to survive with his mother in the selfish world of ours, a tragedy struck one fateful day. A car accident left the mother-son duo stranded, abandoned, and fighting for their lives.

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Story of Kansa, the bull whose horns became his enemy

In a nation where cows are revered as mothers, their male counterparts often face neglect and indifference

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Meet Bobby, a pup who got a broken jaw for bathroom breaks

Meet Bobby, a resilient 2-month-old pup whose tale is a rollercoaster of emotions, from the depths of fear and pain to the triumph of healing and then hopes of better future.

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From Solitude to Socialization

Sandy, a dog with a coat marred by scabies, where hair shed as autumn leaves, skin flaked, and rashes itched relentlessly. His world was confined to ointments, creams, and tender care for two months.

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A dog who felt thousands of creatures feeding him alive.

Imagine the helplessness of feeling thousands of tiny creatures crawling on your back, each second a stark reminder that they are devouring you alive.

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Dog’s eye popped out after a car ran over his head

In a busy city facing its own challenges, a distant cry caught the attention of a kind soul.

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A Gausevak hits a cow but later…

Usually, people avoid stopping their cars after hitting an animal to steer clear of legal trouble. But there was a not-so-obvious incident near our shelter.

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