Meet Nidhi, A cow who has a fear of food.

  • June 13, 2024
  • DHF
It was a day like any other when we received an urgent call at the Dog Home Foundation about an injured cow. Nidhi, A cow had been found with her mouth bleeding profusely. Upon arrival, what we saw was almost too painful to bear. The cow, her eyes wide with fear and confusion, had ingested… Continue reading Meet Nidhi, A cow who has a fear of food.

Story of a calf with two mothers

  • May 09, 2024
  • DHF
  This story is about Ganga, an animal that was once considered a mother by Indians at heart, but nowadays, merely in words. She, one faithful day found herself caught in an unfortunate accident. Her injuries were severe, leaving her unable to stand, and her rear leg broken. But amidst the pain and chaos, a… Continue reading Story of a calf with two mothers

The Dhenchu Effect

  • May 06, 2024
  • DHF
While slavery has become a practice long lost in the past for humans, animals are still suffering the way Indians suffered during the colonial era.  One such soul, Dhenchu, a donkey who carried burdens for his human companions, toiling under the scorching sun with unwavering dedication met with a disaster. As Dhenchu plodded along the… Continue reading The Dhenchu Effect

When a can of ghee made a bull hungry!

  • November 14, 2023
  • DHF
While tractors took away their job making their existence pointless to humans, there are still some who feed the bulls without seeking their own profit. However, a recent case was uncovered where despite the sincere desire to feed the bull, people had to witness his gradual weakening due to malnutrition.  Actually, a can of ghee… Continue reading When a can of ghee made a bull hungry!

Meet Rubina, the monkey who understands Hindi.

  • November 09, 2023
  • DHF
  While animals can’t speak up for themselves, there have been countless incidents where their cry for help was clearly visible but as selfish as we humans are, it went unheard. One such incident occurred when our team was on a rescue mission. They were done catching a cow and were about to head toward… Continue reading Meet Rubina, the monkey who understands Hindi.

What’s more valuable : an innocent’s life or a scrapped car?

  • October 27, 2023
  • DHF
In the remote part of a desert, 200 kilometers away from our shelter, an unimaginable tragedy took place. A car had crashed into not one, but three innocent camels. The accident took the lives of the young passengers inside the car, leaving the camels as the only survivors. When our team rushed to the scene,… Continue reading What’s more valuable : an innocent’s life or a scrapped car?

Why dogs run behind your cars?

  • October 27, 2023
  • DHF
    Vipin’s heart sank as he saw his parents still fast asleep on the cold pavement that they called their home. But what’s so unusual here, you may ask?  When he attempted to wake them up, they wouldn’t move at all. Fear started to grip him, for the shop in front of which they… Continue reading Why dogs run behind your cars?

Frustrated with Bhiku’s barking, a man ran over the dog with his car

  • October 07, 2023
  • DHF
While people in our country enjoy debates where humans turn into animals while conversing on the topic of religion, they, however, feel their peace threatened with an animal’s voice echoing around them. An unfortunate incident occured with Bhiku. Frustrated with his barking, a man used his car to run over the beautiful dog. This brutal… Continue reading Frustrated with Bhiku’s barking, a man ran over the dog with his car